The SK-RELAY is an addressable relay module for use with Honeywell Silent Knight Series fire alarm control panels (FACPs). The SK-RELAY allows a Silent Knight FACP to switch discrete contacts by code command. The relay contains two isolated sets of Form C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch. No supervision is provided for the notification appliance circuit.
The SK-RELAY contacts can be used for virtually any normally open or normally closed application. Each SK-RELAY is programmed with a unique signaling line circuit (SLC) loop address. When an event occurs that controls the SK-RELAY, the relay is triggered by the FACP.
The SK-RELAY mounts directly into a 4" square electrical box. The box must have a minimum depth of 2-1/8". A surface mount electrical box (System Sensor® PN SMB500) is available from Silent Knight.